Saturday, December 26, 2009

Why are girls dumb enough to put grind-up asprin with water and slather it on their face to minimise pores?

Wtf? Geez girls will do anything to correct any so called imperfections teh media tells them..|||because they are stupid and care to much about how they look|||Asprin will not minimize poors. It will, however, dry up zits because when you crush asprin and make a paste its basic form is Salicylic acid, which is one main active ingredients in acne treatments usually made into gels or creams. It will get rid of blackheads, which make pores larger. Report Abuse
|||Um, never heard of it.|||Yeah, but they can%26#039;t take the pill or have their partner use condoms to prevent their bellies bloating up due to pregnancy, which shows a lot more.|||I am not a doctor

they sound like technologists to me

asprin%26#039;s near relative changes the epidermis

there is evidence that gently putting warm vitamin B3 water paste on skin may minimize actual cytoaging

Nicotinamide extends replicative lifespan of human cells.Kang HT, Lee HI, Hwang ES.

Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Dongdaemungu, Jeonnongdong, Seoul, Korea.

We found that an ongoing application of nicotinamide to normal human fibroblasts not only attenuated expression of the aging phenotype but also increased their replicative lifespan, causing a greater than 1.6-fold increase in the number of population doublings. Although nicotinamide by itself does not act as an antioxidant, the cells cultured in the presence of nicotinamide exhibited reduced levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and oxidative damage products associated with cellular senescence

niacin as well as nicotinamide are vitamin B3

I am not a doctor

asprin water may affect appearance as the near relative of asprin salicylic acid cause change

Dermatologica. 1978;156(2):89-96.Links

Effect of topical salicylic acid on animal epidermopoiesis.Weirich EG, Longauer JK, Kirkwood AH.

In contrast to its antihyperplastic effect on pathological proliferation of the epidermis, salicylic acid promotes epidermopoiesis in the normal guinea pig skin. After the application of 1% w/w salicylic acid in acetone-ethanol for 4 weeks, the thickness of the surface epithelium was increased by 40% and that of the deep epithelium by 19%. The mitotic index rose by 17%.

scientists have published鈥?/a> that oral asprin reduces redness from sunning, it also reduces redness from photoaging UVA; asprin may contribute to having a younger appearance a larger number of years

I am not a doctor|||never heard of that|||Because you%26#039;re too ignorant to know what it really does. It%26#039;s not to minimize pores! It%26#039;s to help dry up acne and you ONLY put it on the spot that%26#039;s affected, not your whole face, because yes it will be very drying to the skin. Not to mention Aspirin has a type of acid in it that%26#039;s also found in spot creams that treat pimples and help dry them up. Such as Clean %26amp; Clear, Clearsil and Equate%26#039;s spot cream. Same type of product, so why waste the $3 on a bottle when you can just take a pill out of the cabinet and a few drops of water from the tap?

Go inform yourself...|||Okay......... I never heard of that b4!!! Who does that, like seriously?LMAO!|||WHOA.....that is bad it dries up your skin!!! im with you on this!|||ground up aspirin? i don%26#039;t think thats a good idea. why don%26#039;t they try something natural like a mud mask or pore minimizing lotion- why take risks with your skin?|||cause they are retarded!!!!!!!!

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